Wednesday 18 July 2012

Day One

It's a pain in the neck, my bad neck, and it's trying to take over my life.  But there's more to life than a pain in the neck so this blog will be about my whole life and not just the ouch factor.  Saying that though, I am going to track the ups and downs of living with a pain in the neck, so I'd better start myself off with a summary of its activities since I went to the osteopath last week.
So, I went to the osteopath with what felt like the neck muscles in spasm.  This is usually a precursor to a proper Bad Neck where I end up with 2 to 5 days of intense pain starting in my neck and coming right over my head to my eye and cheek bones.  I'd had a cold (I'd forgotten how properly miserable a bad cold can be) and I'd been coughing a lot so that had probably triggered it.  The O(steopath) had worked on the muscles but I still came away feeling less than great.  During the night it was pretty rough and kept me awake and it stayed rough way till Sunday.  It was good to realise it had gone on Sunday so that I could properly enjoy a walk down on the front at Llanfairfechan with Kev, my dad and Sue (not-so-evil-stepmum).  We had a look at the gardens of the Arts and Crafts houses down there on the front - someone's worked really hard on one of them and it looks beautiful.  One of the others had the garden open to the public later in the afternoon with tea, but it was too late for our requirements.  We needed sustenance there and then, so it was off to the Pavilion Beach Cafe.
Monday was a busy day at our students' graduations in Manchester.  I was also worried about our potential redundancy situation at work, so stayed relaxed with Dr Vino.  Yesterday I fully expected to go to work to be told that that was it, the company was dead in the water, but instead the Executive Director (henceforth known as ED) announced a possible stay of execution - good news, but we're unlikely to be paid this month - or not on time anyway.  You'd think the worry of that might set my neck off again, but no surprisingly it was my cough that made a reappearance.  I was also distracted by my The Geek (self-styled) getting a kitten - she's so sweet - I'd forgotten how you have to hold tiny kittens in both hands for fear of crushing them.  Seems ages since Lola and Geoff were kittens.

Today I think my neck might be getting slightly irritated by the coughing again :-(  Must do the O's exercises!  Just settling down to watch The Fog - is this a good idea just before bed?  Is it any scarier than the thought of not being paid?  Actually I don't know how scary The Fog is rated on the suspense scale. Perhaps I'll go to bed and read my new novel instead - a gory murder mystery translated from Swedish.